Well, with the use of the modern technology and robotics machine the even the life of today’s Archeologist is more come in handy.
According to international news, a new ancient marking’s was discovered inside a secret chamber at Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Image Credit: World travel attractions |
The chamber has been inaccessible to humans and only “Djedi” the robot explorer was able to enter in the tiny chamber. Djedi captured the hieroglyphs and stone markings painted in red which have been unseen by human eyes in 4,500 years.
Because of the help of technology Djedi is equipped with a modern camera. Djedi's creators say it is the first to be able to explore the walls and floors in detail, rather than just take pictures looking straight ahead, thanks to a "micro snake" camera.
This new discoveries in Great Pyramid of Giza will lead us to new mysterious and unexplainable purpose of these tunnels. I hope that the discovering of the past will be more challenging because of the help of modern technology.
New discoveries in Great Pyramid of Giza
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