29 February 2012

Letter O - Bar Exam Results November 2011

Bar exam results 2011 complete list was already released, according to the High Court a total of 1,913 out of 5,990 law graduates successfully passed the November 2011 Bar Exam. Below this post the official list of passers in 2011 Bar Examination.

Below is the Full list of November 2011 Bar Exam passers.

1293 OBERAS, John Paul L
1294 OBLIGADO, Neil Arvin B
1295 OBMINA, Paul Angelo D
1296 OBRERO, Maria Kathrina D
1297 OCAMPO, Bryan Chester F
1298 OCAMPO, Christian Joy O
1299 OCAMPO, Christine E
1300 OCAMPO, Michael B
1301 OCAMPO-TAN, Elaine Christine K
1302 OCCIANO, Salvador Heriberto E
1303 OCENAR, Jerico C
1304 OCHOA, Kristine Gail C
1305 ODASAN, Carina G
1306 ODRON, Bernard R
1307 OLDAN, Kristine G
1308 OLIVA, Erwin S
1309 OLIVA, Ryan P
1310 OLIVARES, Mary Grace Z
1311 OLLAGING, Nova B
1312 OLOTEO, Philbert A
1313 OLPOC, Peter Roderick M
1314 OMPOC, Javin Dominic G
1315 ONG, Carlo Emmanuel D
1316 ONG, Joanna Kim A
1317 ONG, John Y
1318 ONGAN, Jeanna B
1319 ONIDA, Carmen Rosario I
1320 ONSAT, Federico E
1321 OPERARIO, Rhenelle Mae O
1322 OPERAÑA, Marlon C
1323 OPERIANO, Danilo F
1324 OPETINA, Leandro N
1325 OPIÑA, Ronalyn M
1326 OPRIASA, Miralyn C
1327 OPULENCIA, Charissa Eloisa Julia R
1328 ORALLER, Livi N
1329 ORDOÑO, Olyne C
1330 ORGE, Jane Pauline C
1331 ORTALEZA, Liza R
1332 ORTEGA, Lizar U
1333 ORTIZ, II, Claro Paulo T
1334 OUANO, Bryant E

Related Post:  November 2011 Bar Exam Results, November 2011 Bar Exam Results - Top 10 Examinees